Approaches, methods, procedures, and techniques

Hi guys!

What do you think about the blog so far? 😛

As most of you know, there are different methods, approaches, procedures, and techniques we can implement when teaching.  Do you remember any of them? 

If your answer is no, the following posts will be really useful for you.  You will find some pictures with descriptions of approaches and methods. Since the descriptions are general, it would  be great if you could leave a comment with your ideas.

Feel free to leave your comments on any of the pictures

See you around!  🙂

What do you think?

Hello again!

In the previous post we were checking vocabulary related to mistakes and feedback.  Did you remember this vocabulary? Let’s put it into practice by sharing our opinions.

Here you can find some questions about mistakes and feedback.  So, why don’t you post your ideas so that we can all share and learn from each other? 🙂

  1. In your opinion, what are the main sources of students’ mistakes?
  2. What should we focus on: what students say or how they say it?
  3. How can we avoid being subjective when grading ss’ creative work?
  4. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

“Student self-assessment is bound up with the whole matter of learner autonomy. […] When they are involved in their own assessment there is a good chance that their understanding of the feedback will be greatly enhanced […]”

Monitoring Students

If assessment is the engine that drives learning, then the ways in which we give feedback are important in gearing the engine so that maximum effect is achieved from the effort put in by all concerned.

Extracts from 2000 Tips for Lecturers

I think we all agree that monitoring students effectively and giving them appropriate feedback is essential to promote confidence and self-correction.   Besides being useful for the students, it helps us realize about their strengths and areas that need to work on.

Before we start our discussion about monitoring students, we will check important vocabulary that will be used in further posts.  So, here you will find a criss cross puzzle where you need to check the clues and guess the correct words. It won’t take you more than ten minutes!

Please check it and tell me if you could guess all the words.

Monitoring students Criss Cross Puzzle 

Criss cross puzzle answers


We seem to use this word a lot when we tell students to pay attention to what they say and how they say it.  But, are we setting the example?  How many times do you honestly reflect on your performance in the classroom?

Self-monitoring surely brings a lot of advantages to the way we do our job.

Let me just mention a couple of them:

  • identify phrases we repeat over and over
  • know when topics are not clearly explained or overexplained
  • become aware of how fast or slow we speak
  • recognize the chances we give students to participate in class

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